Online ISSN: 2791-8300

Current Issue
Vol. 5 No. 1 (2025)

About the Journal

Journal of School and Educational Psychology (JOSEP) is an international and open-access journal oriented toward publishing high-quality papers in the area of the school and educational psychology and publishes original, primary psychological research pertaining to education across all ages and educational levels. The JOSEP presents research on intervention mechanisms and approaches; schooling effects on the development of social, cognitive, mental health, and achievement-related outcomes; assessment; and consultation. Papers reflect theory, research, and the practice of school and educational psychology.

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Journal Info

Editor-in-Chief: Murat Yıldırım, University of Leicester, United Kingdom

e-ISSN: 2791-8300

Editorial board

Journal of School and Educational Psychology, which is published two times a year, publishes original empirical and theoretical articles and critical reviews of the literature on research and practices relevant to psychological and behavioral processes in school settings. The JOSEP offers articles reflecting high-quality academic research in the field as well as examples of proven best practices. 

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To celebrate the recognition of directed evolution and highlight its significance for the Journal of School and Educational Psychology, the journal calls for paper submissions to this journal.

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