Generalized Self-Efficacy Shields on the Negative Effect of Academic Anxiety on Academic Self-Efficacy During COVID-19 Over Time: A Mixed-Method Study
Journal of School and Educational Psychology,
Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022),
10 April 2022
Page 44-59
This two-wave longitudinal study demonstrates the important role of generalized self-efficacy in enhancing online education for Pakistan’s university students during COVID-19. Four hundred and two students participated in the study at both Time 1 and Time 2. Generalized self-efficacy and academic anxiety based on online classes was assessed at Time 1, whereas academic self-efficacy at Time 2. Results indicated that moderate and high levels of generalized self-efficacy shield the negative effects of higher levels of academic anxiety on academic self-efficacy over time. Results suggest that generalized self-efficacy—as a positive resistance resource factor—may gradually coalesce into academic self-efficacy (domain-specific self-efficacy), which at first may be underdeveloped in students in the face of academic anxiety emanating from their online classes during COVID-19 (the novel challenging situation). Further, students’ coded responses revealed ten major sources of academic anxiety emanating from their online classes including internet connectivity issues, increased academic demands, lack of active engagement in online classes, inability to understand difficult topics, and ambiguous internal assessment criteria. Findings suggest implementing interventions for students focusing on instilling internal resources embodied in generalized self-efficacy, conducting active and engaging online classes based on emotionalized learning experiences, and increasing the overall efficacy of teaching and learning during the pandemic through the implementation of a meaningful blended learning approach—based on an online learning mode and an offline personal and collaborative learning mode.
- COVID-19
- academic anxiety based on online classes
- generalized self-efficacy
- academic self-efficacy
- Pakistan’s university students
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