A Systematic Review of Psychosocial Resilience Interventions for Children and Adolescents in the COVID-19 Pandemic Period
Journal of School and Educational Psychology,
Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023),
10 April 2023
Page 34-48
Many integrated interventions for the psychosocial recovery and empowerment of children and adolescents were implemented during the period of COVID-19. This article aims to present the results of a systematic review of psychosocial, and psychological resilience interventions for children and adolescents implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic in the school and community context. The review includes published articles from December 2019 to February 2022. The databases, which were used for the search, were: Google-Scholar, Psych info, Web of Science and PubMed and Scopus. The following words were used in the search: child, adolescents, intervention, school, psychosocial, resilience, pandemic COVID-19. The corresponding articles were checked manually. Articles that did not agree with the inclusion criterion as the school context as well as the interventions related to the health measures to limit the pandemic were not considered. The final selection of articles included 10 studies. The final studies yielded information that was categorized according to their area of application (school, community), the period of application (crisis, lockdown, unlock), goal, method, results, and evaluation. The conclusions drawn from the pandemic, the lockdown and the unlocking confirm the need to apply the already known crisis intervention methods and practices, and other new, innovative practices and methods such as re-entry interventions, alternative methods and the use of new digital techniques and remote psychosocial support.
- Psychosocial resilience, interventions, trauma, children, adolescents, pandemic COVID-19
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