Risk and protective factors and coping strategies for building resilience in Greek general and special education teachers
Journal of School and Educational Psychology,
Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023),
2 October 2023
Page 66-83
Resilience is influenced by personal and environmental risk and protective factors that are unique in each context. The constant socio-cultural changes affect the educational context and may lead to new factors associated with teachers’ resilience. To this end, the present study aimed to examine the risk and protective factors of resilience in Greek general and special education teachers and how they are incorporated into the strategies they use to face adversities in their workplace. Qualitative data were collected from 15 general education and 11 special education teachers. Content Analysis was used to analyse the data. Results indicated that new risk factors have emerged, however, there were only minor differences in the prioritization of risk and protective resilience factors between general and special education teachers. The study also provided insights into the strategies used by teachers to deal with their working challenges and enhance their resilience.
- Protective factors
- teachers
- Risk factors
- Resilience strategies,
How to Cite
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